Tekken 3 is the third installment in the popular Tekken fighting game series. It was released on Arcades in March 1997, and for the PlayStation in mid-1998. A simplified "arcade" version of the game was released in 2005 for the PlayStation 2 as part of Tekken 5's Arcade History mode. The PlayStation version is considered by some as one of the greatest games of its genre. It was the first game released on Namco System 12 hardware (an improvement to the original two Tekken games, which used System 11). It was also the last installment of the series for the PlayStation.
Characters of Taken 3 PC Game
Returning Characters
Paul Phoenix
Nina Williams
Lei Wulong
Anna Williams
Nina Williams
Lei Wulong
Anna Williams
Heihachi Mishima
New Characters
Jin Kazama
Ling Xiaoyu
King II
Eddy Gordo
Forest Law
Kuma II
Julia Chang
Bryan Fury
Gun Jack
True Ogre
Tiger Jackson
Ling Xiaoyu
King II
Eddy Gordo
Forest Law
Kuma II
Julia Chang
Bryan Fury
Gun Jack
True Ogre
Tiger Jackson
Bonus Characters
Dr. Bosconovitch
Dr. Bosconovitch
Screen Shots of Taken 3 PC Game:
Taken 3 PC GAME
Taken 3 PC GAME
Taken 3 PC GAME
Taken 3 PC GAME
Taken 3 PC Game
Taken 3 PC Game
Taken 3 PC Game
Taken 3 PC Game
Taken 3 PC Game
Taken 3 PC Game
Taken 3 PC Game
Taken 3 PC Game
Taken 3 PC Game
Taken 3 PC Game
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